Having been raised in Senate District 17, a community that has given me countless opportunities, I am honored to seek your nomination for the State Senate. 

My grandfather immigrated from a war-torn Poland after World War II, escaping a concentration camp and fleeing his home country to seek light against the darkness of fascism. Some 70 years later, his granddaughter has the opportunity to seek public office in this land of opportunity.

That’s the story of this nation and that’s what every person seeking refuge here desires for themselves and their families. It’s what each of us seeks: stability, now and for all those to come. 

I know what it is to be working class in our community. I was raised by a single-mother - who’s still a nurse here - who struggled to give us the opportunities that her father sought. We struggled to afford housing, healthcare, and the basic necessities. We even lost our home in the peak of the Great Recession.

About Katie

Our fellow community members face these same struggles: living paycheck-to-paycheck, struggling to afford housing and childcare, and are often forced to choose between healthcare and groceries. 

I have dedicated my life to service and civic engagement. I joined my first campaign at twenty to reelect President Obama, organizing right here in SD17. And I’ve been serving our community ever since, working at both the state and federal level. This includes three years as an aide in the State House for then-Rep. Mike Foote, two years spearheading federal policy for Congressman Joe Neguse, and working as campaign manager for State House Rep. Jonathan Singer and County Commissioner Deb Gardner. These experiences make me uniquely situated to hit the ground running for the people of our district.

And there’s so much work to do! As your senator, I will fight for affordable housing, for liveable wages and access to healthcare, and for a Colorado that supports our middle- class families. This includes fighting for immigrants who are being targeted by the Trump administration; folks who ensure our society thrives by taking on some of our most difficult, and most critical, work. I’ll put all my energy into combating the climate crisis that is the existential crisis of our lifetime. And - in the face of national extremism and division - I’ll take on the corporate interests powering Donald Trump and destroying our civil liberties and democracy. 

I will prioritize being a neighbor and representative that hears you, delves into the issues, and makes thoughtful, transparent choices. Should I be given this distinguished honor, I will always remember why you sent me to represent you: To listen to your struggles, collaborate on the issues that can move us all forward, and fight each and every day for the people I represent.